Don’t let your next home remodeling project land you a trip to the emergency room. Before taking on any project around the house, be sure to properly outfit yourself with all necessary safety gear. Like most people, you are probably eager to get out the tools and dive right in. Step back, think about the task ahead, and grab your safety gear first. Your local home center should be well stocked with all the necessities. A few dollars investment is all that is required when choosing the best contractor who is an expert in Tile Installation.

Now were talking. You have your hammer and crow bar ready to go. Before you jump right in, be sure you have taken proper precautions. Safety glasses are a must. If it’s going to be dusty, I like to wear a pair of safety goggles. Goggles do a better job of keeping dust out of your eyes than standard open sided glasses. If a demolition saw, vacuum or any other noise emitting tools will be put into use, don’t forget the ear plugs. We live in a noisy world, and being confined in a small area with the constant whine of a vacuum motor is not an ideal condition. Ripping down plaster and removing debris is tough on you hands. I always reach for a pair of heavy leather gloves. If you have sharp objects or nails, the leather gloves do a great job at preventing puncture wounds. Another safety related tip that I practice is to always bend over any exposed nails when removing lumber debris. It’s easy to drop a piece on the ground, only to puncture the sole of your foot with an exposed nail. Be sure to wear proper foot gear as well. This isn’t the place for your Sunday morning running shoes. A good pair of leather work boots, with slip resistant soles, should be standard gear here. A good hard hat or bump cap as they are called can save you from a goose egg on your head, followed by a splitting headache. It’s easier to get a concussion than most people think. A falling board or piece of plaster is all that it takes.
Paint removal
If you will be scraping or sanding off any old paint, it’s recommended that you first do a test to see if it’s lead based. Your local home center has lead paint test kits available, and they only run a few dollars. If you find that you do have lead based paint, it’s critical that you use a proper face mask, and wear long sleeve protective clothing. Pay close attention to the face mask, and the seal that it makes to your face. Be sure it fits securely, and does not allow unfiltered air to be inhaled. Another area of concern with lead based paint removal is the spreading of dust. If you are sanding, use a power sander that can be attached to a vacuum. Most shop vacuums are capable of being outfitted with ultra filtration bags instead of the standard cartridge filter. These bags typically filter down to one micron, and do a great job of containing dust. Be careful on outside projects as well. You’ll need to hang plastic sheeting, or a tarp, to prevent dust travel to your neighbors house as well.
Simple improvement projects like painting don’t really seem to present any danger.Even water based paints contain chemicals that must off-gas during the curing process. Be sure to ventilate the area well. Open at least two windows in the immediate area, and place a box fan in one window to create airflow. It’s also recommended that you wear a proper face mask; one designed to filter paint fumes. These masks typically have a charcoal liner, and do a terrific job at preventing the inhalation of harmful vapors. I always wear safety glasses as well. I have had drips land right in my eye while painting overhead.
As you can see, a few simple precautions can prevent the unplanned injury. Outfit yourself properly, and get on with that remodel project.